Master Aludak

The complexion of the soul

Beyond a definition of the philosophical and religious type, I would like to chat from its physical conformation, and how far it comes.

To understand the headquarters of consciousness and the soul it is necessary to declare that there are levels of aggregation of existence below the sub -atomic particles that form atoms.

The sub-atomic particles are in the order of the 10E-21 meters, while the etheric particles are in the order of the 10E-28 meters.

That is, the etheric body is the soul, and the final headquarters of consciousness. The physical body communicates with that consciousness through certain atomic structures formed by protein molecules.

When the soul embodies that point of communication between the aforementioned atomic, sub -atomic and etheric level is assembled.

In turn, the etheric level forms a mantle of energy that circulates around the body, taking body meridians as main points. In the head it is the linter, and in the body it is so on, which is in the navel.

This etheric field cannot be crossed by etheric entities, unless it is weakened or has holes; Then the etheric entities that exist can enter the physical body and be located in certain physical organs.

That is, just as the soul uses the brain to incarnate, the Etrican malignant entities use body organs to incarnate and carry out default evils.

When the person dies, that astral or etheric body is taken by planetary regents, and taken to other planets, or is embodied in it. The soul then returns to the universe. For that, the pyramids serve, although on Earth the pyramids are inactive, and there are hidden devices in the space that they do that work, because as they will know, the earth is under kidnapping.

It is the etheric body that carries the enormous human abilities, although sometimes it can be corrupt, as the physical body can also be.

- Lagak (Leonardo Betetto)


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