Master Aludak


For many, the universe is a messy salad of mass, which is not organized according to some strictly programmed pattern, as far as the higher order is concerned. According to them, we are here as a result of a great chance.

To suppose a high order would give the idea of a perfect system a great force, therefore the idea of cosmogenesis and the lying theory of evolution would fall apart, and thus, all their genocidal and cosmo-dominant plans would also fall apart. That is why they prefer to keep us ignorant of the high mathematical, physical, physical, astrological and informatics order that exists in the universe, and that leads it to be something perfect, and that fulfills perfect cycles, and that is eternal, and that has neither beginning nor end.

Although it may seem untrue, for many people consciousness is a casual phenomenon, something that arises randomly and by an emergent process. One cannot conceive of something so exceptionally unheard of and false as this for something so complex and ordered.

The universe is divided into a scale of 12 sizes. Each size has 33,333... units of gold or Fibonacci ratios of 1.618033. That is, each block is of that value by the aforementioned 33.3333.... Antecich units.

The values range from the size of the universe to the size of an elementary unit. We can prove it by observing that in some figures of these levels there are coherences with reality, with terrestrial science, and with calculations made by extraterrestrials.

To develop this tabulation I started from the distance to my planet, ALUDAK, at 63,721 light years, which inferred to the size of the galaxy we would have a value of more than 113 thousand light years, as can be seen. That is the second rung from top to bottom in the universe, which when applied to the 33.333 block... we see that it gives us the size of the universe.

How can we be so sure of something like that? Well, if we go one level down from the size of the Milky Way, we get 113 billion km, and after another application the nearly 12 thousand km diameter of the Earth. So, we are not wrong in applying these proportions.

Is it a coincidence?

For randomists it may be a coincidence, but there is nothing coincidental about it.

Then from the size of the earth we go to 1.25 m, which would be the average size of the real life object, so if we put a man in a certain position he would be that size.

Another level down, and we are in the order of the size of the cells of the animal and vegetable body, and another one more, and we arrive at the atoms.

This yields an incredible conclusion, and that is that the center of the universe is between the size of cells and atoms, that is, proteins and DNA, which are macromolecules.

After this, we go down another level, and we have a galaxy of subatomic particles, which are an atom inside. They have lied to us about what an atom is like; again to leave the universe in chaos.

That is, if we shrink enough, we will see the atom like the Milky Way, with an amount of one billion subatomic particles, value that we will explain later.

From each subatomic particle we have a sphere of cross -linked traces of particles that form a basket. Those are the eternal particles, which revolve in a sense, at the speed of light. Then turn and take another return to the speed of light. That makes it speed square.

That is, energy and mass are carried by etheric particles, in case of speed, because energy is a speed.

That level of existence is the one that reaches the planets, such as Earth, and then we go to one level less, and we reach exactly what they call Planck unit.

The one who thinks is a coincidence is that it is simply a bad thinker.

On Earth they say that this Planck unit is the smallest that can be measured without losing conventional geometry.

But if we see, they turn out to be the measures of the formation of eternal particles.

Then we have two more levels, the fifth level, in the order of 10E-42, and then the elementary unit, which is of the order of 10E-49.

The elementary units form the reticulate temporary space, since the universe is not a void where everything is located in a perfect way without cost.

They form reluctant of the fifth order of the particles, those of the fifth of the room, those of the room of the eternal particles, which may have mass, or not have a mass. The dough, we explain, are formed at the level of the eternal particles.

An etheric particle without mass is out of time and space, and they have no energy. An ethical particle with mass, within time, and can form structures such as the human soul, and other structures unfortunately poorly used in witchcraft.

This indicates that it is space that has energy, not matter. But we will talk about that topic on another occasion.

- Lagak (Leonardo Betetto)


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