Master Aludak

How does reality work?

To understand this issue we must give existing reality levels.

The levels are 12: Universe, galaxies, solar systems, planets, objects, cells, atoms, sub -atomic particles, etheric particles, fourth level particles, fifth -level particles and sixth level particles or elementary units.

The universe processes reality to a sixth level of density, or elementary units, the galaxies do it to a fifth, the stars do it at fourth, and the planets receive it to a third.

That is, the universe sends reality to a sixth level to each galaxy, each galaxy sends it to a stellar system, the star sends reality to third or etheric to each planet, and the planet is armed from There at all missing levels: objects, cells, atoms, sub -atomic particles.

Until the arrival on each planet the speed is infinite, and then the particles acquire mass, in order to assemble the reality we see, and for this, the speed becomes finite, that is, the speed of light.

Those that acquire speed of light are the etheric particles of third density level.

They turn in a double plane, so E = mc2, the speed of light they possess is gestured for both axes of rotation.

That energy comes from the same space that surrounds it. The space that surrounds it, therefore, loses energy, hence the theory that says that space bends before the presence of mass.

The particle rotates in two senses, then, on the one hand, describing a circle, and on the other hand describing a bull. That enteric particle, then, next to their pair of one billion, give energy and therefore the mass to matter by a fraction of a second, and then decompose, leave its condition, and return to its infinite speed, and return to the lobe of the planet, then to the sun, then to the galaxy, and finally to the universal central lobe.

What are the input and exit connectors of reality?

Astrologically speaking, the ascendant, and the background of heaven, then the exit are the descending and the half sky. Thus, even elementary particles and atoms have defined origin and destination in this universe. That is, it seems messy, but this formation of reality indicates that it is highly ordered.

Another important factor to highlight is the issue of radiation. The light, for example, we see by intertwining to the origin, not because light travels through space. In that the reality is identical to a computer. That is, the universe lobe sends the image of the other to each object, but no radiation travels through space. On Earth they call this, approximately something, quantum interrelation.

- Lagak (Leonardo Betetto)


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