Master Aludak


If there is one thing that has dominated the mystical world, it is the subject of demons.

Demons are neither fallen angels nor spirits of the dead. DEMONS ARE SPIDERS, with the capacity to move from a physical to a subatomic state, and from there to an etheric state. That is to say, they are polydensity, and they use that capacity to move around the world, infecting and killing people, harming them and filling them with negative energies. They have no intelligence, they are controlled by their creator: THE SPACE STATION MOON.

There are two types, but I am only going to talk about the second one, which are the aforementioned spiders, of various sizes, no more than 30 centimeters, but they are all over the world in a semi etheric or sub atomic state. They are abundant in parks and urban areas with vegetation, because they are places very visited by people.

This is a real biological weapon, and the hierarchs of the system have hidden this truth for thousands of years.

That is, they harm people without anyone knowing where the attack comes from, and blaming it on diseases, the dead and supposed fallen angels.

Parkinson's requires thousands of entities located with absolute precision in the nerves and muscles of humans, and of course, the degenerate Moon has all that information to manipulate these insects.

- Lagak (Leonardo Betetto)


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