Master Aludak

The theocrat manipulators

Theocrats control the minds of humanity.

Using guilt, fear and absolute submission, they make civilization fall to the blinding power of faith in what does not exist or she can see.

The concepts that are handling are corrupt.

Faith: Faith is believing blindly in something that has not been proven or can be seen.

That is a lack of respect for human intelligence, however, the theocrats talk about it as a great gift.

There are other fouls, such as submission for fear of perdition in hell, or punishments either transient as eternal.

Many of them directly use threats against people in their preaching, telling them that they must repent and believe, otherwise they will go to the hell of fire.

It is difficult to imagine a perversion as great as that. There are no such things, but they are building on the world support that religion has to be able to dominate minds and consciences, and make them do what they want, especially economically and building.

They usually teach a very simple principle, or you are with God, or you are with the devil. Two options, on the other you lose yourself in hell; So tell yourself by Christ, then you are saved.

Well, the truth does not even tell us of what we will be saved.

If we analyze the idea, they tell us about our sins, but they are not clear about the concept, except for the fact that they blame us to be evil and guilty of the death of Christ on a cross. Therefore, we have to give ourselves completely to be able to save ourselves from eternal punishment.

That is the level of mental management of the theocrats.

If the believer, group of believers, etc. It comes with another idea, they can use two techniques: on the one hand, rebuke them hard to leave that practice, or incorporate the practice and become administrators of it towards believers. This is very common in the Catholic Church, especially with the gods of America.

Here are the three most highly theocratic religions:

Christianity, Judaism, Islam

- Lagak (Leonardo Betetto)


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