Master Aludak


In the universe times are nested according to the size of the structures.

The size of the structures follows the golden pattern, and time follows a digital pattern.

In other words, to understand the famous theory of everything, which in reality is called understanding the universe, it is necessary to know astrology, computer science, university mathematics, and physics.

As for astrology, the real one, because on Earth you have been given a total falsehood.

And I say this because the universe has been at war for more than 1.5 billion years.

That's a long time, isn't it?

It is common sense. If you arm a war between two countries, it is obvious that the war will reach your place of residence, that is, it expands from bigger to smaller, until finally the whole problem is solved.

The problem started in a ring conjunction in the Uranus Sector, among millions of galaxies, and then expanded to the mercury spiral sector of jupiter, 200 million years later. In addition, it also expanded to the Pluto spiral sector of Venus.

But from those gigantic multi-galactic sites, the wars move to the stars, their star systems, and from there to each planet, and within each planet there is conflict for thousands of years, until in that area the problem ends.

We should assume something as simple as that there must be billions of species in the universe, and that is all. It seems that in the passage of eternities this has not been the case. The predominant genus has always been cosmic man, not sexed, and reproduction by test tube, by creation, not by sex. Reproduction by millions of species is a viral act that evil entities have disseminated throughout the universe, and it is not a good thing. It is enough to observe the trophic chain on Earth, and we will see the reality.

It is universally proven that sexuality, passion, family, etc. seems to be something very attractive and sexy, but it is not as it seems. Over time it has been proven that it is not the best alternative. We noticed that by the ancestral aliens who came to create on earth, they did it for creation, not for sex. Only some did it for sex.

But there was no lack of opportunity for cosmic humans to come into conflict with each other, and gradually decide to become other species, even with other behavioral patterns.

If we look at the earth, to see an animal is literally to see a deformed human.

So there are two sides at war. On the one hand, the cosmic humans, and on the other hand these species of hive configuration, and of great evil and sadism, because they are kidnapping planets and taking over them until they are the only ones left there.

Anyway, the end of this war is distant, and we can not say that this hive is going to win, in fact, we have reason to believe that the universe supports us, and we humans will win.

The sadistic mentality of this hive is evident in the sense that they create trophic chains on the sequestered planets. Humans make use of the plant world, which is enough for everyone. But it is these beings that created the consumption of other species, and cannibalism. They possess highly lethal biological weaponry, of the etheric, physical and subatomic type, and also nuclear weapons, which are something really nefarious in the universe.

- Lagak (Leonardo Betetto)


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